Friends In Deed Wrap Gifts For Friends In Need

Posted December 2021
DOORWAYS, 4385 Maryland Avenue, St. Louis, MO 63108

As they say, the holidays are “the most wonderful time of the year.” However, because of the many hardships our clients experience, many of our residents–including  their children–won’t receive any gifts. 

DOORWAYS runs an annual Adopt-A-Family Campaign for the Holidays in Novemer/December. Clients are invited to submit wish lists for themselves and their family members.

For the last two years, the DOORWAYS Friends In Deed volunteer group has planned and executed gift drives for several families. 

After purchasing the many gifts, they even wrapped the gifts to assure a festive surprise!

We are grateful for these Friends In Deed volunteers helping friends in need by making the Holidays more cheerful for several families.

If you would like to participate in the next Holiday Adopt-A-Family Campaign, keep checking our giving web page.

Karen Carpentier
314-406-2268 |