Housing Programs
The following list outlines the various housing programs offered by DOORWAYS. If you are seeking services, please click on the housing assistance you need to get more information and contact instructions.
Offering 24/7 assistance for those unable to live independently.
Flexible housing provided in Allen House on the new Jefferson Avenue Campus that is co-located with ONSITE comprehensive supportive services–thus named comprehensive flexible housing (CFH).
For those in housing crisis, we offer 30/60 day emergency housing as well as comprehensive flexible housing.
Often single-parent households, Jumpstart houses families in housing crisis with young children, jumping them from homelessness to permanent housing.
Eight housing complexes with 103 apartments including one-bedroom units for individuals and four-bedrooms units for families with children. Offers self-development programs and resources to fill gaps in the social determinants of health.
For clients in their own accommodations in the St. Louis Metro area experiencing difficulty paying rents/utilities, DOORWAYS provides temporary financial assistance directly to the debtors while the client stabilizes.
Outstate provides rent/utility subsidies as well as limited emergency housing in rural parts of Missouri and Illinois.