DOORWAYS community events offer socialization opportunities for those battling HIV—an illness referred to as “the loneliest of all diseases” due to the stigma, judgment, and isolation associated with an HIV diagnosis. They also provide access to new experiences and resources.
DOORWAYS clients are invited to participate with staff in public activities, such as the Pride Parade. The agency also sponsors social activities onsite. Our three permanent housing programs—Cooper House, the Residential Program, and the Jumpstart Program—host engaging gatherings for clients and family members. Many of these are aligned with holidays and other annual celebrations. DOORWAYS housing programs with children also offer events and activities specifically for families, offering quality parent-child interaction opportunities.
Groups from corporations, organizations, or friend networks often sponsor activities for DOORWAYS residents. Entertainers serving adults and children also donate their services. For more information on community event volunteer opportunities, please visit our GET INVOLVED section.
If you are a DOORWAYS client and would like more information, please contact your housing coordinator during office hours (Monday-Friday 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.).
is called “the loneliest of all diseases”
due to the stigma, judgment, and isolation associated with an HIV diagnosis.