
Many DOORWAYS clients have experienced a legacy of poverty and a life of unstable housing, leaving them with substandard education, minimal work experience, few resources, and little hope for advancement. Our self-development programs provided in our permanent housing programs fill knowledge gaps within the social determinants of health (housing, health, finances, education, and community).


DOORWAYS has offered   nutritious cooking classes, computer access, GED programming, financial seminars, stress reduction methods, a variety of health-related topics in general and HIV-related programs in particular, to name a few. The sessions seek to build knowledge and encourage positive behavior changes–adding or eliminating behaviors.

In addition to sessions for adults, the DOORWAYS Residential Program offers after-school tutoring several days a week during fall and spring semesters. Each year they also conduct a summer camp focused on science, math, growing food, and other topics to show that learning can be fun.

If you are an expert in an area, or know of someone who provides informative learning sessions for adults or children, please follow the guidelines in our GET INVOLVED section for volunteering. 

If you are a DOORWAYS client and would like more information, please contact your housing coordinator during office hours (Monday-Friday 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.).


of the residents in the DOORWAYS Residential Program

attended at least one self-development program in FY20.