Posted October 10, 2024
DOORWAYS | 1101 N. Jefferson Avenue | St. Louis MO 63106
Individuals and groups providing personal time and talents to support DOORWAYS and its clients were honored at the agency’s annual awards presentation.
St. Louis, MO – On Tuesday, September 10, 2024, DOORWAYS held a reception to thank all agency volunteers for giving their time and spirit to support the agency’s mission. More than 80 guests and honorees attended the event, which was held from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. in the community room at the DOORWAYS Jefferson Avenue Campus. As part of this annual occasion, board member volunteers, individual volunteers, and group volunteers are recognized for their commitment and generosity. The agency also presented three awards to spotlight exceptional volunteer commitment. The 2024 awardees are listed below.
Lila Daus has been committed to volunteerism since the young age of 10, when she assisted senior citizens with spring cleaning and snow shoveling. At DOORWAYS, she has provided 337 hours of service this past year to support the Mama/Kaya Children’s Summer Camp, activities with residents in our assistive living program (Cooper House), and the growth and development of the new Provisions Pantry that offers residents access to fresh food and other essential items. She volunteers for our fundraising events and has walked with DOORWAYS in the annual Pride Parade in downtown St. Louis. Her volunteerism extends beyond DOORWAYS and includes 13 years as a Girl Scout leader and troop organizer plus service to the Affton Christian Church Pride Committee. Her dedication to helping others is evident in her career path as well. Lila earned both a BES and a Master’s degree in Education in Counseling Psychology, with a specialization in children and families, from UMC. She has worked for MRDD, providing therapy for adolescents in inpatient psychiatric, residential, and foster care settings. She exemplifies a life of giving.
Michael Brave is President/CEO of Southern Illinois Living Centers, Inc. His generosity extends beyond financial support, as he also dedicates considerable time and effort to DOORWAYS community. As a Board Member, Michael serves as the Chair of the Facilities Committee, which played an active role in the development of the Jefferson Avenue Campus. Michael’s enthusiasm for DOORWAYS is unwavering. He is always the first to lend a hand to actively support agency fundraising events. To help foster a sense of community among board members and other stakeholders, Michael regularly hosts gatherings encouraging socialization and collaboration. He also inspires others to get involved, notably urging members of The Gathering’s Central Corridor Men‘s Group to participate in the annual holiday gift drive for residents. Michael’s extensive contributions to the organization reflect his passion and commitment, making him an invaluable asset to DOORWAYS and its mission.
(Information on Michael Edlin and past recipients of the Michael Edlin Award are listed in the right margin.)
Reverend Doctor Jeff Moore is an ordained United Church of Christ minister serving as Senior Pastor of the Webster Groves Christian Church (Disciples of Christ. In addition to these responsibilities, he is dedicated to serving people living with HIV. Jeff worked as a missionary HIV/AIDS Area Coordinator for the Lesotho Evangelical Church in Lesotho, South Africa. He continued that ministry here in St. Louis with DOORWAYS, serving on the board of directors and providing compassionate chaplaincy and pastoral care. He also invites his congregation and other churches to support the DOORWAYS Christmas program and sponsor celebratory meals for residents and staff. Devoted to living in service to humanity, Jeff earned a Master of Divinity degree and a Doctor of Ministry degree from Eden Theological Seminary, plus a Doctor of Philosophy from the University of KwaZulu-Natal in South Africa. He is an adjunct professor of Biblical and Ministry Studies at the United Church of Christ’s Eden Theological Seminary and teaches courses at Saint Louis University.
Friends and family are encouraged to make a gift to DOORWAYS to honor these awardees. Please go to We will send an announcement of your donation to the person being recognized.
The program began with an invocation by board member Reverend Lauren Bennet from Metropolitan Community Church.
Opal M. Jones, President & CEO of DOORWAYS, and Steven M. Scott, MPH, FACHE, Chair of the DOORWAYS Board of Directors, each provided comments and participated in the award presentations. Among all those who previously received the Michael Edlin Award (the list is to the right), any who were present joined in the recognition of the 2024 recipient.
We are grateful to Wells Fargo for supporting our volunteer program throughout the year. We also wish to thank the underwriters for this recognition ceremony: City Wide Facility Solutions, Enterprise Mobility, Mercy, Moore Computing, Paul Davis, SSM Health, and U.S. Bank.
During fiscal year 2024, more than 450 people provided continuous or episodic volunteer services exceeding 4,000 total volunteer hours. Some volunteered individually while others participated with a group from their employer, church, college, etc.
Individual or group service may include:
Direct interaction with clients. Examples include staffing the Provisions Pantry, playing games or watching movies with residents, or assisting with our after-school program and summer camp,
Projects supporting agency operations. This may include raking leaves, painting a room or hallway, cleaning, office assistance, or serving on the agency’s board of directors or board committees
For information about our volunteer program, please visit our volunteer web page:
Founded in 1988, DOORWAYS provides housing and 360 degrees of wrap-around services to people at the intersection of poverty, homelessness, and illness from HIV. Each year, we serve approximately 3,000 clients and family members in 124 counties spread across Missouri and Illinois. Expanding over the years to meet growing depth and breadth of need, DOORWAYS evolved from a hospice caring for the dying to an agency building lives for the living. We currently own 12 buildings with 230 apartments offering five housing platforms—emergency housing, flexible housing, assistive housing for those too ill to live independently, permanent housing, and, to prevent homelessness for people in their own accommodations, rent/utility subsidies. Housing is supplemented by empowerment services to cultivate the social determinants of health (housing, health, food security, employment/income, education, community, etc.) that are needed to advance towards a life of opportunity and independence. We use individualized case management, resource referrals, self-development programming, employment support, behavioral health counseling, and psychiatric care. An independent pharmacy will soon open on the campus as well. Through this mix of services to stabilize housing, health, and hope, clients begin their journey toward a more self-directed life. Once housed and linked with their care coordinator, clients are encouraged to comply with an HIV-medication regimen that can help them attain undetectable status. When HIV is undetectable, life span and quality of life improve for the individual. Furthermore, undectable equals untransmittable (U=U), stopping forward transmission. Bringing an end to new cases of HIV will ultimately eradicate HIV for future generations.

Who is Michael Edlin
Michael Edlin, a founding DOORWAYS board member, passionately spread the word about those dying alone and homeless in the early years of HIV/AIDS. He used his talents, networks, and considerable power of persuasion to rally support to build DOORWAYS housing and services. As a person living with HIV, Michael forfeited his privacy and used his own life as a beacon to fight discrimination against others living with the disease. Eventually, he closed his business to dedicate more time to fundraising for DOORWAYS. At the time of his death, he left a legacy of selfless volunteerism that lives on at DOORWAYS and is embodied in this award, presented to other volunteers who also dedicate themselves to helping people living with HIV improve their housing, health, and hope.
Past Recipients of the Michael Edlin Award
1993 The Very Rev. J.C. Michael Allen *
1994 St. Mary’s Health Center
1995 David Prelutsky, M.D.
1996 Ken Nuernberger/The Siedlund Co.
1997 Cawood “Woody” Bebout
1998 Bryan Young
1999 Sister Betty Brucker, FSM*
2000 Brother John Spila, OSF
2001 Ben Tischler
2002 The Rev. Evlyn Wehling Fulton*
2003 Mark Lammert
2004 Howard Meyer*
2005 The Reverend Lloyd Edwards
2006 Peg Atkins*
2007 R. Shawn Tucker
2008 Terry Crow
2009 Evelyn A. Cohen
2010 The Rev. Dr. Richard Ellerbrake
2011 Dennis K. Hoffert*
2012 Lynne M. Cooper, D.Min.*
2013 Charles Miller
2014 Christine Pennell
2015 Jay Joern, D.D.S.
2016 John H. Russell
2017 Diane Gershman Levine
2018 Carole Hunt
2019 Brenda Armour
2020 Jay Moore, M.D.
2021 Jim Hinrichs, M.D.
2022 Ron Jagels
2023 Ed Giganti